Friday, April 22, 2011

Game Document ScreenShots FadeToBlack

The Scorpion's secondary weapon at work.
3rd person point of view
The rotating cannon on the Scorpion.
1st person point of view.
The Manta vehicle.
The Scorpion vehicle.

4/20 Game130 Game Document FadeToBlack

A Game For [X-Box 360 and PS3]
Copyright 2011 [Eduardo Sanchez, Miguel Poblete, Sam Lee, Mike Okazaki

     When designing [Name of Game], we wanted to capture the rush of a high speed race with the intensity of a first-person shooter(FPS). The core mechanics are shooting your enemies from either first-person view or third-person. You can also use vehicles as your weapon of choice. The player can use the vehicle as the weapon itself by ramming his/her opponents or simply shoot them down with the cannons built into them. The game is a death match style shooter with only one goal in mind: kill the opposition. You play an android gone rogue agains't the establishment on the planet Tarus. The player has 100HP(Health Points) and vehicles give the player "armor"(300 for scorpion and 200 for the Manta). The environment can also serve for LOS(Line of Sight). The trees and other plant life can't be pierced by the bullets shot from either player or enemy allowing for strategic combat. The main character only uses one weapon throughout the match and their aren't any upgrades to weapons or power ups to stats and health boosts of anything kind. The only forms of travel for the player are on foot or using the vehicles. The vehicles have their own special functions. The two vehicles are the Manta(Hovercraft) and the Scorpion(Ground vehicle). The Manta is a much faster and mobile vehicle allowing for sharper turning and quick u-turns.It lets the player jump, allowing for tactical vehicle combat by being able to not only dodge moving left and right but up as well. The Scorpion has a cannon that rotates allowing the player to shoot people who are behind him all while moving forward. The Scorpion also has a secondary weapon, which is a blade the pops out of the front of it. This blade allows the player to mow down enemies.


Basic Concept -- What is the "high concept" of the game?

Background Story: The story is played from the perspective of a rogue android on a foreign planet.The dominating force's grip of control over the protagonist was lost after a mysterious source hacked the system setting Volt free. Volt is the protagonist. The protagonist is under constant attack from other androids still under control. Volt journeys to discover who set him free and why.

 The goal of the player is to survive. The player will encounter multiple enemy androids and must survive in order to pick up clues about who his liberator is. 


         The game loads up to the main menu. From the main menu the player has a couple game modes to choose from: Single story campaign
                                           Multi-player campaign
Single player campaign is the story played from the perspective of the Volt. No allies played solo.

Multi-player  campaign is story mode played with an additional player. The 2nd character is not relevant to the story only serves as assistance to the main character(player 1).
Online: Allows the player to connect online to compete against other players from around the world fighting for dominance. 

Museum: Is where the player can view all his accolades achieved in all of the game modes including online. 

What is the planned interface? Bottom right of the screen has an armor/health bar and below it is the amount of ammo the player has remaining. Above the armor/health bar top right of the screen is a map or radar showing enemies.

What is the planned perspective (1st person vs. 3rd person)? The game plays in both 1st and 3rd person views.

What is the basic interactive structure?The game plays in chapters based on the clues that you discover about Volts liberator advancing the character to the end of the story where all secrets are revealed.

What is the "heart" of the gameplay? The vehicles are the key aspect of the combat in this game. The serve as a quick form of travel throughout the maps and are a much stronger source of power and artillery. 

How difficult is the game? The game difficulty is based on what mode or level the player has chosen for its difficulty ranging from easy~god-mode.

How long will it take the average player to complete?A quick run through should take around 10hrs. Beating the game 100% should be roughly 20hrs.


Characters: Volt:the main character and protagonist of the story.

Raven: is the stories antagonist who leads the army of androids to stop Volt and reprogram him. 
 Bolt: Is the second players avatar who you play in multi-player. This character isn't involved in the story. 
Vega: Is another android who the protagonist encounters later in the story. She is another free android searching for answers.

Bugz: Is a small companion android of Volt that he uses to input the clues he discovers along the way. Also servers as journal storing all the information about everything and everyone you will encounter throughout the game. The comic relief character to the story.

World: There will be an open map once combat is engaged the play enters a limited playing space. The world itself is completely mechanical. Even the plants and water that the player will see is all nano machines creating this organic atmosphere.


There will be no messaging system only communication is online play using individual microphones. 

Graphics: The graphics are high end HD graphics ranging from resolution 720-1080i

Detailed art list will be a separate list (not part of this document).

Sounds and Music: The music and sound is used to build up the tension and correspond to the intensity of the combat. There are sound effects for the ammo fired by the player and collisions of the vehicles during combat. 
 There will be voice over actors for the roles of all the characters in the story. 
The music will range from modern techno/trance music to house music to capture the futuristic setting.
Most of the sound effects are located in the UDK system.